
this morning i woke up to the birds singing. 

and i knew.

i knew that despite all the stuff of life...

today i would be okay.

like the birds were sent from heaven, just to remind me.

and they continue to sing, and i continue to remind myself that...

today... i will be okay.


  1. Anonymous14:12

    God is good. :)

  2. Karen F.12:34

    Good attitude Melinda!

  3. Anonymous08:02

    Friday I cried out to God, "I don't know what to do!!(3 times I cried this) in the following quiet- I heard "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, don't lean on your own understanding; in all of your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path". I've known those verses forever---yet in that moment I understood the depth of their meaning. As the day and next two progressed I practiced putting faith in the place of all the questioning and confussion I've been feeling.---God has given me a peace in the confussion. He is the all powerful amazing God that knows our thoughts and hearts and cares!!!His love and faithfulness are beyond my understanding! I love you, Melinda! Grama


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