liberty of london for target...

have you seen this line at target?

yah... this one... click here. liberty of london for target. i love it. in fact when i get paid tomorrow i may have to go buy some of it. or all of it.

i had big plans for our living room when we moved in. it was going to by my space, my room, my tv room and reading room and relaxing room. i had furniture picked out, and the walls were painted one of my favorite colors, and i was all set to make it my own space. but plans changed. we got pregnant. my room got put on the back burner, new furniture got put way way on the back burner. luckily, stephen and holly got new furniture, and willed their old furniture to us. woo hoo. so now, i have furniture in my room, but my room is shifting. it won't be what i thought it would be... but i think it might be even better.

i bought an old metal desk last year at a used furniture store for $25. like this one, down there... only not as painted and clean. i had big plans to scrub it and paint it and make it pretty, but it has pretty much been sitting in my parents garage untouched since i bought it.
and now that our office will be filled with a crib and changing table, and more importantly a baby, our office is having to move. it is going to move into my room. my living room will be our living room/office.

these things from target are going to help me make my room complete.

Product Image Liberty of London® for Target Lamp Shade
i bought this lampshade. it has so many of my favorite colors in it, and i love the pattern. i wanted to buy everything with this pattern on it. i restrained. but after pay day i can't promise i will have the same restraint.

ooh look at these...
Product Image

and this...
Product Image

uh oh...
Product Image
baby bedding. i might have to rethink my living room choices if we have a girl. because this is too darn cute.

i have the bug. the decorating bug. the making a home bug. i think they like to call it "nesting" when you're pregnant. but i choose not to call it that. do i look like a bird? whatever it is, its a good thing i have it... because this to do list just keeps on growing. and i don't see it slowing anytime soon.


  1. My thoughts exactly! Our living rooms might end up being identical. Much like our wardrobes in college! hahahah. I had forgotten about that. I have the decorating bug too, and I'm not pregnant. Maybe this is sympothy decorating, or maybe I'm just tired of everything I own!

  2. carol sue14:55

    cute.....the green in these is the sameas the chaise!!!!!

  3. Don't be ashamed of being a nester my sweet girl. Be proud- you're nesting for the greater benefit of "The Fam" I would consider this a right of passage! Well deserved and earned! So you go Minna, decorate to your hearts content!

  4. rach, maybe it is being stuck inside for like the last 6 months that makes us realize our space needs to be a little prettier, a little more colorful, a little more livable.

  5. melinda, you could make anything look good with your sense for color and print. maybe even that old chaise.


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