autumn breeze...

life has been whizzing right by me. 

this whole, i had a baby and a c-section and returned to work and my boobs are swollen to double their normal size thing, is really throwing me for a loop.

i nearly missed my favorite season.

a jaunt to the pumpkin patch on saturday, and a hay rack ride in the glowy sun helped a little...

but today... i got out into the autumn breeze. 

i breathed the crisp fall air, it smelled cool and clean.  the sun shone bright, and warmed my face, while the cool breeze still nipped at my nose. 

the colors of fall swirled at my feet, red and orange and yellow turning brown. 

the crunching sound of the leaves underfoot was soothing and somehow relaxing.

the autmn does something to me.  it rejuvinates me.  it's a long breathe of fresh air after months of being stiffled and steamy.

and i almost missed it this year.  omaha autumns last only days, and i almost missed it. 

Autumn Movement by Carl Sandburg

I CRIED over beautiful things knowing no beautiful thing lasts.

The field of cornflower yellow is a scarf at the neck of the copper sunburned woman, the mother of the year, the taker of seeds.

The northwest wind comes and the yellow is torn full of holes, new beautiful things come in the first spit of snow on the northwest wind, and the old things go, not one lasts.

Autumn in Orilliaby
Franklin Charmichael

Autumnal Diorama by Raymond A. Foss

Early morning
Crisp Air

Gray ridged bark
Green lawn, leaf clutter underfoot

Wisps of fog off the pond

Green trees
Orange trees

Splash of sunlight

Clouds pasted
For accent

Backdrop of blue
Pure, unblemished, unbroken

Screens, curtains, stagesets
Transparency overlays

Layers placed
Scene set


  1. Autumnal Diorama is one of my 9,300+ poems on my blog, Poetry Where You Live,

  2. Beautifull said. It is so easy when things are crazy to forget to stop and enjoy the things we love and make us happy. Good for you! BTW, just saw new pics on Donna's site and Asher is precious. :) You look like a natural mother!!

  3. Anonymous15:13

    What a lovely post.
    I adore Fall too.

  4. Karen F.15:57

    Best season there is in my book!

  5. Anonymous08:35

    Great post, I too love this time of year even if it is short for us here. Thanks for finding the time to blog, I know I enjoy reading what you write!
    love and prayers, jep


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